Project Description
Oil 31
Price: 52,00 KM
100% natural, unrefined, unfiltered, cold-pressed, molecularily produced edible poppy and lavender oil.
Main ingredients: Poppy, lavender
Form: Liquid
Usage: take one teaspoon 3-5 times a day 15 min before mealtime.
Quantity: 100 ml
Cavanagh HM, Wilkinson JM. SchoolofBiomedicalSciences, Charles SturtUniversity, WaggaWagga, NSW 2678, Australia.
Yang SA, Jeon SK, Lee EJ, Shim CH, Lee IS.
The Center forTraditionalMicroorganismResources, KeimyungUniversity, Daegu 704-701, Korea.
*A multi-center, double-blind, randomisedstudyoftheLavenderoilpreparationSilexan in comparison to Lorazepamforgeneralizedanxietydisorder.
Woelk H, Schläfke S. Surgeryforpsychiatryandpsychotherapy, Buseck-Beuern, Germany.
*Theantimicrobialactivityofhigh-necrodaneandotherlavenderoils on methicillin-sensitiveand -resistantStaphylococcusaureus (MSSA and MRSA).
Roller S, Ernest N, Buckle J. FacultyofHealthand Human Sciences, ThamesValleyUniversity, Brentford, UK.
*Treatmentwithlavenderaromatherapy in the post-anesthesiacareunitreduces opioid requirementsofmorbidly obese patientsundergoinglaparoscopicadjustablegastricbanding.
Kim JT, Ren CJ, Fielding GA, Pitti A, Kasumi T, Wajda M, Lebovits A, Bekker A.
DepartmentofAnesthesiology, New York UniversityMedical Center, New York, NY 10016, USA.
*Anxiolyticeffectsoflavenderoilinhalation on open-fieldbehaviour in rats.
Shaw D, Annett JM, Doherty B, Leslie JC. SchoolofPsychology, Universityof Ulster, Coleraine, NorthernIreland BT52 1SA, UK.22
*AnxiolyticeffectsofLavandulaangustifoliaodour on theMongoliangerbilelevated plus maze.
Bradley BF, Starkey NJ, Brown SL, Lea RW. DepartmentofPsychology, Universityof Central Lancashire, Preston, Lancashire, UK.
Umezu T, Nagano K, Ito H, Kosakai K, Sakaniwa M, Morita M.
EnvironmentalChemistryDivision, National Institute forEnvironmentalStudies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0053, Japan.
*Olfactorystimulationwithscentoflavenderoilaffectsautonomicneurotransmissionandbloodpressure in rats.
Tanida M, Niijima A, Shen J, Nakamura T, Nagai K.
Institute for Protein Research, OsakaUniversity, 3-2 Yamada-Oka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan.
*AntifungalactivityofLavandulaangustifoliaessentialoilagainstCandidaalbicansyeastandmycelial form.
D’Auria FD, Tecca M, Strippoli V, Salvatore G, Battinelli L, Mazzanti G. DepartmentofPublicHealth, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.
*TheantimutagenicactivityofLavandulaangustifolia (lavender) essentialoil in thebacterialreversemutationassay.
Evandri MG, Battinelli L, Daniele C, Mastrangelo S, Bolle P, Mazzanti G.
Departmentof Human PhysiologyandPharmacology, University La Sapienza, 00185 Rome, Italy.
*Novel antiplateletandantithromboticactivitiesofessentialoilfromLavandulahybridaReverchon “grosso”.
Ballabeni V, Tognolini M, Chiavarini M, Impicciatore M, Bruni R, Bianchi A, Barocelli E. 23
Dipartimento di ScienzeFarmacologiche, Biologiche e ChimicheApplicate, Università di Parma, ParcoAreadelleScienze 271A, 43100 Parma, Italy.
*Effectsoflozengecontaininglavenderoil, extractsfromhops, lemonbalmandoat on electricalbrainactivityofvolunteers.
Dimpfel W, Pischel I, Lehnfeld R. NeuroCode AG, Kurt-Schumacher-Strasse 9, D-35440 Linden, Germany.
OILS | 24 |
ALL | 37 |
Monday – Thursday |
Friday (Sarajevo) |
Friday, Saturday, Sunday |
+387 33 296 313
- Oil 1
- Oil 2
- Oil 3
- Extract 7
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- Oil 10
- Tincture 68
- Oil 11
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- Extract 13
- Oil 14
- Oil 18
- Oil 19
- Oil 20
- Oil 21
- Oil 22
- Oil 25
- Oil 31
- Oil 36
- Oil 45
- Oil 54
- Oil 56
- Oil 57
- Oil 58
- Oil 62